Pain of hardware industry(1)

In recent years, the development pattern of our country’s hardware industry is quietly changing. With the deepening of the competition among related enterprises, the profit margins at all stages of the hardware industry chain have been compressed, and the room for price reductions is decreasing. Most of the domestic small and medium-sized hardware enterprises mainly produce bearing accessories, lack independent brands, serious homogenization competition, and lack of bargaining power. bigger. Under this circumstance, transformation and upgrading has become an inevitable trend of future industry development.

The hardware industry belongs to the traditional processing industry. By changing the original shape of the metal, its industry characteristics are mainly multi-batch and small-batch. Due to the low threshold for entering the hardware industry, there are many entrants, which also results in very fierce competition in the industry. At present, the traditional business model is no longer suitable for the development of hardware stores. Many hardware store merchants have multiple pain points in their operations. Need to solve:

1. Inventory management is difficult, and there are a large number of shipments and warehousing every day, which greatly increases the pressure of inventory, and the confusion of material storage leads to deviations in statistical data. At the same time, there are also problems such as fast product replacement by upstream manufacturers, serious shortage of goods, and slow inventory turnover.

2. The salesman cannot obtain the hardware inventory quantity and sales price in time when he is outside. He needs to call the store to ask or look through the ledger to find the inventory and sales price, which is extremely inefficient.

Post time: Nov-02-2022